Broadband News

Tue, 02nd Mar 2010

Retail NBN will cost the govt: Telstra

Telstra has sent a letter to shareholders saying that the Federal Government's National Broadband Network (NBN) draft legislation, which enables NBN Co to sell retail services, will change its financial demands over its separation.

Source: ZDNet Australia

People Telecom to refund misled customers

People Telecom will issue refunds to customers who were signed up by its door-to-door sales and telemarketers as part of a legal undertaking by the Australian Competition and Consumer and Commission (ACCC).

Source: Computerworld

Telstra concerned over NBN powers

Telstra said today it was "very concerned" by draft legislation released by the government last week that could give Canberra the power to allow the planned $43 billion national broadband network to become a retailer in some circumstances.

Source: The Australian

Mon, 01st Mar 2010

ACMA takes gotalk to court over 40,000 illegal calls

Telecommunications player, gotalk, is in hot water for allegedly breaching the Do Not Call Register with reckless abandon.

Source: ARN

Australians report $70m fraud loss in 2009

Australians in 2009 were most prone to scams that asked for an up-front payment to secure larger, fictitious returns, an ACCC survey has found.

Source: iTnews Australia

Stage 3 NBN Tasmania announced

The Federal Government has announced the third stage of funding for NBN Tasmania, which will see a further $100 million in funding used to roll out high speed broadband to 90,000 premises in Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie.

Source: Computerworld

Greens: Filter issue is too hot for election year

The Australian Greens were looking for a way to "knock on the head" internet filtering legislation to be introduced to Parliament as early as this month, according to Western Australian Senator Scott Ludlam.

Source: iTnews Australia

Tassie NBN to hit Hobart

The Federal Government today announced locations for stage three of the National Broadband Network (NBN) roll-out in Tasmania, including the state's capital.

Source: ZDNet Australia

Sports lose cash to net piracy

Cricket Australia says it has lost millions of dollars in overseas media rights payments due to the impact of internet piracy.

Source: Australian IT

PM considers Internet Ombudsman

The Federal Government will consider introducing an Internet Ombudsman to remove inappropriate material online.

Source: Computerworld

Fri, 26th Feb 2010

Internet filtering may be exploited by hackers

The Federal Government's proposed ISP-level filtering policy may be exploited by hackers targeting legitimate websites, according to Arcsight CEO, Tom Reilly.

Source: ARN

Conroy lashes out at Telstra bill delay

Communications minister, Senator Stephen Conroy, has hit out at the Opposition's successful attempt to block debate on the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Bill (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) 2009 in the Senate.

Source: Computerworld

Telcos to face tougher competition from VoIP

In its half year results Telstra made much of the sudden decline in PSTN revenues. VoIP's contribution that to decline is still tiny but the latest initiative from wholesale VoIP service provider, Symbio Networks, could make VoIP significantly more competitive.

Source: iTWire

Legal expert: AFACT appeal might do some good

Outdated copyright policies should be refreshed and clarified, since the iiNet vs Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT ) debacle, according to a legal expert.

Source: ARN

K. Rudd: Internet filter not perfect, but we're ploughing ahead

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, has conceded the proposed mandatory Internet filtering scheme is not perfect but is adamant in its role to reduce inappropriate content in cyberspace.

Source: ARN

Dear Stephen, your site is broken

I hope you are well and not finding the communications portfolio too much of a headache. I know you had a bit of a tough time with the Opposition in the Senate yesterday, but try not to let it get you down - they're just jealous because they're not in charge any more.

Source: APC Magazine

Pirate Party attacks Lundy's filter option

The fledgling Pirate Party has attacked the opt-out amendment being proposed by Labor Senator Kate Lundy to the government's filtering legislation as "censorship lite", saying it was a "hollow response" to the community's concerns about the project.

Source: ZDNet Australia

The national broadband network in political mire

The brilliance of Stephen Conroy's national broadband network proposal unveiled in April was its simplicity in being an open-access wholesale network that would structurally separate Telstra and encourage competition.

Source: The Australian

Outlook negative for Telstra in agency recast

Uncertainty about the fate of the government's plans for the broadband network and the split of Telstra has prompted a financial agency to warn that the company's credit rating could be on the slide.

Source: The Age

Thu, 25th Feb 2010

Revealed: Copyright '101' challenge to iiNet victory

The film industry will challenge close to the entirety of Justice Cowdroy's judgement on its case against ISP iiNet, according to appeal documents lodged with the Federal Court.

Source: iTnews Australia

3 mobile does the Telstra-to-Voda switcheroo

Customers of 3 Mobile in metro areas have been asked to reset their handsets today after the telco switched its fallback network from Telstra 2G to Vodafone 2G.

Source: iTnews Australia

Senate rebels on Telstra Bill

What appeared to be an attempt by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy to debate the Government's controversial legislation to reform the telecommunications sector was shot down in flames in the Federal Senate today.

Source: ZDNet Australia

Conroy's website removes references to filter

The minister in charge of the Government's web censorship plan has been caught out censoring his own website.

Source: News Limited

Telcos preview ACCC pricing submissions

Submissions close this week on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) Review of Access Pricing, where telcos say how they think pricing for Telstra's customer access network should look.

Source: ZDNet Australia

ISPs 'deliver half of quoted download speeds': claim

A broadband comparison site has claimed that ISPs are on average delivering less than half the claimed nominal download speed.

Source: iTWire

Appeal won't stop illegal downloads: iiNet

iiNet this afternoon rejected a renewed legal challenge by a coalition of film and TV studios as "disappointing and frustrating", adding it would not stop piracy.

Source: APC Magazine

NBN Co could retail services

The Federal Government has left the door open for the National Broadband Network Company to supply services directly to users such as government, despite former assurances that the company would only provide wholesale services.

Source: ZDNet Australia

NBN Co wants to take over Australian Broadband Guarantee

NBN Co is proposing that, as an interim measure to improve broadband for very remote areas of Australia, it would become the sole provider of wholesale satellite capacity that it would then on-sell to retail service providers.

Source: iTWire

AFACT payment to iiNet up in the air

The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) has appealed the costs awarded to iiNet in its failed copyright case against the ISP but did not elaborate on the reasons in the Federal Court.

Source: ARN

New piracy trial: AFACT to appeal iiNet verdict

The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) today said it would appeal the Federal Court's judgement against the group in its internet piracy case against iiNet.

Source: APC Magazine